This is my design project for the last semester in college. My grade for this object is not that good. Because actually I wasn't passionate to attend the formal class and discuss the design draft with the lecturer (you know how annoying a lecturer can be?? It never make me feel guilty to cheat somehow.. hehe) In other hand, I really enjoy through the design process with this minimum guidance. Anyway, the main purpose of this kid shoes called "KIDDO" was for bringing out the pure cheerfulness of children into the shoes product for kid which is me as the designer thought that this issue has been extremely decreased in the recently kid shoes products. You know how grow up child today could be? And how much they eager to imitate the adult clothing style?? This almost make me infuriated how kid style nowadays doesn't seem like a kid at all.
Oh, yeah and this is my monky, bety, caty, and rubby. ^^
The only bad things from this project was it bring out my hidden mind of shoes. I can't bear of beatiful, cute shoes. Everywhere I go, my eyes look down on people footwear (ok! ini agak lebay si). Just if I don't remind myself that I've still asked my dad for monthly check, perhaps I will bring home couple new dazzling shoes everytime I go to the mall.