Yak!! The picture above was my perspective drawing for furniture business class this semester (don't know why it been called as 'busineess' furniture.. I don't feel any business sense in this class :p) Look easy? Yeah.. If you used to, but it's a looooong time ago since I draw full space perspective like this one. So I worked it pretty hard. I pretty enjoyed it actually. To draw the interior was refreshing. I've been pretty bored with same drawing style lately. It didn't work out that nicely though. But I was glad to do it. Well, the score.. I've got what you called as my "permanent-mark" only required in this class. Yeah.. you can see it in the picture below, where the score was scratched on..

Hehe.. Can't you see the mark on it in red fine marker? It was pretty cruel actually. You can tell the problem that the space was too narrow that maybe it became the unforgivable thing. Well, well.. score is just score. You won't die even if you get an E or even F for this. Furthermore, the concept should be conventional and less playful because that's what the lecturer want (or what he's been always intrinsically suggested). So you won't find anything new or eye catching in that interior. Haha.. Do I look like annoyed? Yes, a bit. Okay, I hope the guy who gave me this mark will never found out this blog! I tried to take a lesson that it wasn't about was it proper result or not, but I just couldn't be too satisfied about my work just because I worked it late at night with glasses of caffeine. Don't you agree?? Afterall, thank you for watching.. :))
manually drawn by : drawing pen, colour pencil, dry pastel
Well, awalnya saya kaget melihat nilanya, kok bisa dapet D+? :D Tapi ternyata ada kesalahan fatal di sana... malah saya berbalik ketawa... Ahaha~ :))
haha.. gausah minta maap.. anyway makasih udah mampir :)
BalasHapuskeren, bil! gue suka gaya teknik pensil warna lo. :D
BalasHapusat least lo masih make sense ya dapet D karena jarak itu, I got 6 because of the thickyness on my coloring technic! hyuuh -.-"
6 itu dari skala berapa, tih? eh itu gw kebanyakan maka dry pastel (biar cepet, :P), yg pensil warna yg detil2 aja.. hehe..
BalasHapusassalamualaikum saya mau meminta izin untuk menggunakan sketsa gambarnya untuk lomba mewarnai anak anak di TBM apakah boleh?
BalasHapusassalamualaikum saya mau meminta izin untuk menggunakan sketsa gambarnya untuk lomba mewarnai anak anak di TBM apakah boleh?
BalasHapusHalo.. Maaf saya sekarang sudah jarang cek blog. Silahkan saja dipakai. Tapi tolong dicantumkan kredit bahwa saya kreatornya, atau cantumkan link blog saya saja boleh. Kalau ada perubahan jadi seperti apa boleh perlihatkan kesaya juga. Atau kalau request ke saya untuk dirapihkan bisa juga. Btw, ini untuk acara di daerah mana ya kalau boleh tau? atau sudah lewat jgn2 acaranya?