Okay.. since when my last post was? I'm such a newbie and still I am lazy just to blog something unimportant.. yeah.. what make me post was I just did blogwalking and found much more 'design' people.. so gorgeus, and I can't resist.. Aarrgghh.. kapan gw bisa keyen juga?? (haha.. makanya jgn mayes dudud.. oke, mulai alay gw --")
Sebenernya.. minggu-minggu ini gw banyak libur. Minggu depan juga bakal libur seminggu gara-gara snmptn. Punya banyak rencana posting blog, tapi tugas numpuk!! yeahh (task that never fully done, since I'm such a real proscastinator, like now.. I'm blogging in the middle of tasking.. laalala :p).. Dan minggu kemaren libur 4 hari aja dong gara-gara hari kejepit pas libur nasional terus libur bersama deh.. Awesome, quick, holiday.. soon I'll post bout the holiday!!
Nah, sekarang pengen nge-post tentang kerjaan gw buat adek cowok gw sendiri. Yeah.. He has much bigger body than me in his teen age, and I admit it, that he's actually more mature than me.. Since long time I wanted to call him big bro rather than lil one. No.. I can't. He's not little or cute at all. hehe.. So, I agree to help him create an event logo for his college event. Acaranya tentang memperkenalkan angkatan mereka ke senior-senior di kampus (note : ade gw mahasiswa tahun pertama).. And.. I made it in such a hurry in the midnight with my college task unfinished. Tema dan konsep acaranya bernuansa arab-arab gitu. Tapi nama acaranya ada kata 'romance'nya. Dan tagline acara mereka 'meet me at the oasis'. Menurut gw sih secara persuasif gitu mereka pengen ngajak para undangan ke tempat yang seindah oasis. Halaah.. Gw pikir2 ya boleh jugalah. Gw kira tadinya acara apa ada kata-kata 'romance'nya. Hehe.. Ternyata anak kedokteran bisa lumayan kreatif juga. So.. these are..

the first option, look like disgusting brain the dusty pink in the bottom, so I differentiate it by changing the colour , but I see it's doesn't work too much. Hehe.. So I decided I like the BW version. Oyeah, my first thought bcoz it has 'romance' in it.. It should be 'love; shape. Tacky? yeah! And it has no arabian or oasis feel in it.

The second one, feel like oasis I think, but all people I showed it tell that it just feel like a beach.. well, I feel it quite romantic and beach??

ni yg ke 3, mau nambahin unsur-unsur arabnya tapi malah kayak india2.. wakakakak

the last, and so far paling lumayan menurut gw.. but, either arabian, oasis feeling, it showed love again.. Jadi gw rasa the last option ini sekadar improvement dari opsi 1.. yeah..
Nah, jadi.. as you see.. semua alternatif yang gw bikin tidak ada yang fit dengan semua kombinasi tema, arab, oasis, and romance tadi... dan klo gw jadi anak dkv dan nge-asistensiin ini ke dosen gw, gw juga ngerasa pasti bakal dihajar belur gw-nya. But, since this is the first cooperation bout 'design' thingy with my 'own' brother, gw ngerasa.. it should be run well dong.. Tapi setelah di-kirim, di-tag ke ade gw.. responnya kayak siput.. And selayaknya berperan sebagai klien profesional sejati, akhirnya logo - logo ini tak ada yang dipake.. hahahaha (ketawa muka hampa).. Jawaban ade gw, "ah terlalu unyu, mbak... gausah deh.. hehe.. ".. eh buset.. pinter amat ni anak. So.. logo-logo ecek - ecek ini berakhir nasibnya dengan gw sebar di blog gratisan ini.. Enjoy aja deh..
(moral of the day : bikin logo, terutama buat ade sendiri, emang ga gampang)
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