Douuhh.. I haven't bought any book in looonngg time.. Hiks.. This is literally a sad moment for a nerd like me. T.T.. I really give a damn for their prices. So, recently I just re-read my old novel and sometimes borrowed friends..

Some craving, the best indonesian mainstream reading.. recently.. Wow.. they all are in firey colour!! *just notice..
Yaoloh.. beli mereka apa beli baju lebaran yak?? (teteuupp)
negeri 5 menara ane udah khatam tuh
hehe.. emang lawas novelnya yah.. ane aja yg blm beruntung, gan.. haha
BalasHapusMadre sama novel 2 keren banget mba! hehe
BalasHapus*Aku aja sampai ngebobol uang tabungan buat beli tuh buku(loh kok malah curhat)
akhirnya udah beli 2.. ehm.. masi gregetan yg 5cm deh kyknya.. hehe just my opinion looh.. :)