Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir?? Baca Ini!!

Postingan kali ini bakal panjang!! Tapi mutu *halah.. Isinya adalah tulisan yang kalo ada di tumblr bakal gw reblog berkali-kali. Hehe.. Sebagai mahasiswa tingkat akhir *err.. gw sangat terharu sekali gak sengaja baca postingan ini. Ditulis oleh seorang dosen yang (kayaknya) asik dan hobi bikin daily comic imut DISINI, mengantarkan gw ngeliat-liat her another online journal. Hoho.. Surely guys, (*ngomong ke teman-teman sekelas dan mahasiswa sepenanggungan lainnya) you have to read this!!

Salah seorang (mantan) mahasiswa saya menuliskan hal ini di FB-nya:
kerja apa yaa...~_~'a

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011


Yeah, well.. I've decided to drop one of the most important subject for my college.. Dumb?? However, I found that decision to step back was so much more frustating to take, yet it more understable than try hard without any clear progress to move forward. I might look too realistic or coward? But for long time enthusiastically doing everything without structured plan, I think now it's the right time to stop and think for a moment. Heheh.. The side effect, this 'important' subject who took a big deadline every nearly weekend and take 2 full days attendance in class too is now gone. (yeah, it IS that important since it take 2 days of college) And I found ehmm.. you can say.. empty spaces? or more spare time? than before. In contrary, it forced me to do better and harder job for another subject. ehm.. your furniture.. ehm.. --" I do believe we are good enough. Every decision we made just make us who we are. Don't we have to take control of our own self? Yes, I do believe I am good enough. Bye

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

random lagi

Saat ini sedang pada tahap memperlakukan blog ini layaknya diary. Ternyata akhir semester itu hawanya bener-bener harus random. Apalagi ini ya Allah. Seandainya emang gw ga bakat di bidang desain furnitur, paling gak jangan sampe ketemu kuliah ini sampe ke 3 kalinya!! Huwaah.. Amiin!! Moga-moga selanjutnya bisa ngepos yang lebih cerah mencrang!! *random benar-benar random*
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