Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Bits of Blue

Anyone got korean wave shocks?? I do lately, haha.. Ampun deh.. awalnya yang gue suka itu paling SNSD soalnya gak kuat banget gitu liat mbak-mbak cantik, kaki jenjang ini. Lagunya pun catchy-catchy. Trus dikenalin ama boybandnya yang semacam Super Junior, 2pm, bla bla bla. And I just like.. oohh gini ya.. Baru-baru ini ada grup laris pemain lama, Bigbang, yang udah lama vakum (katanya) and ngeluarin album baru dengan single "Blue". And.. it's really good actually. Maybe I'll be get a little bit korean fever for this bigbang boys for a while.. :p

Nah yang dibawah ini, versinya Sungha Jung, an accoustic finger-style guitarist, my fave youtube artist, dari korea juga (duh) And he is all great. He only 16 years old now, and being youtube artist since 11 years old. He often covered many famous song, and recently he makes his own album, and even tour concert. He really got skill. Lucunya, pas awal-awal dia masuk youtube ada caption dibawah videonya. And he said "I used to not have tabs for the music that I played in my videos. I just listen and pick them up directly from the sound source in videos available on the internet" Wuih jenius! For more Sungha Jung [CLICK HERE] and his youtube channel [CLICK HERE] really worthed listen.

5 komentar:

  1. I like k-pop too, it has the best collection of sad songs in the entire universe! Hahahaha but seriously, it's true! And btw their electric music is very cool too.

  2. I'm not into electric tunes too much :p, but about sad, I will agree that they also produces good sad movie. the real tearjeker ones!

  3. waw,, gila itu ngcovernya!!! keren gileeee... wow fantastic baby bangeud lah!

  4. SUNGHA JUNG!!!! Dongsaeng favorit gueeee! Hahahaha ya ampun dia jago banget ya cover lagu Blue, gue langsung berbinar-binar... Hahahaha


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