Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir?? Baca Ini!!

Postingan kali ini bakal panjang!! Tapi mutu *halah.. Isinya adalah tulisan yang kalo ada di tumblr bakal gw reblog berkali-kali. Hehe.. Sebagai mahasiswa tingkat akhir *err.. gw sangat terharu sekali gak sengaja baca postingan ini. Ditulis oleh seorang dosen yang (kayaknya) asik dan hobi bikin daily comic imut DISINI, mengantarkan gw ngeliat-liat her another online journal. Hoho.. Surely guys, (*ngomong ke teman-teman sekelas dan mahasiswa sepenanggungan lainnya) you have to read this!!

Salah seorang (mantan) mahasiswa saya menuliskan hal ini di FB-nya:
kerja apa yaa...~_~'a

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011


Yeah, well.. I've decided to drop one of the most important subject for my college.. Dumb?? However, I found that decision to step back was so much more frustating to take, yet it more understable than try hard without any clear progress to move forward. I might look too realistic or coward? But for long time enthusiastically doing everything without structured plan, I think now it's the right time to stop and think for a moment. Heheh.. The side effect, this 'important' subject who took a big deadline every nearly weekend and take 2 full days attendance in class too is now gone. (yeah, it IS that important since it take 2 days of college) And I found ehmm.. you can say.. empty spaces? or more spare time? than before. In contrary, it forced me to do better and harder job for another subject. ehm.. your furniture.. ehm.. --" I do believe we are good enough. Every decision we made just make us who we are. Don't we have to take control of our own self? Yes, I do believe I am good enough. Bye

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

random lagi

Saat ini sedang pada tahap memperlakukan blog ini layaknya diary. Ternyata akhir semester itu hawanya bener-bener harus random. Apalagi ini ya Allah. Seandainya emang gw ga bakat di bidang desain furnitur, paling gak jangan sampe ketemu kuliah ini sampe ke 3 kalinya!! Huwaah.. Amiin!! Moga-moga selanjutnya bisa ngepos yang lebih cerah mencrang!! *random benar-benar random*

Kamis, 24 November 2011

When I got dizzy and crazy, I blog

Entah lagi resah, galau, gila, panik, the sweet escape is blogging. Tapi gw jelek banget buat nulis. Jadi mw share ini aja..

serpihan-serpihan perkuliahan ditempel..

di dinding kamar kos

muter-muter ke pasar Ampel Surabaya karena penasaran belum pernah liat

jalan kaki ke pasar malem deket kos dan kampus, karena penasaran juga

pameran tumpuk-tumpukan produk buat matkul desain nusantara di ruang dosen, punya saya didalam paperbag yang lambangnya kayak illuminati itu, bless it

suka banget ama packagingnya teman saya, si mas bebek. bagusan packagingnya malah daripada produknya.. *ngakak*

Ini berarti saya lagi produktif, hehe..

Hari ini hari penentuan dosen pembimbing. beuuhh.. mahasiswa sekali postingan ini. sampah. bye.

Senin, 21 November 2011

Recently View

  • "Real Steel" (2011)
Gak terduga sekali, film yang gue kira soo-transformer ini ternyata keren punya. Kalo dibandingkan ama transformer:dark moon kemaren yang sangat bapuk itu (jgn protes!) Real Steel is much more deserved to watch. Kayaknya orang-orang hollywood udah pada sadar ga cuma bisa ngandelin model underwear atau unbelievably sophisticated robot aja buat bikin film yang bisa direspek banyak orang. Real Steel bisa dibilang punya jalan cerita yang cukup oke, naskah yang gak ngebosenin sama karakter-karakter yang cukup adorable. Gue terutama suka banget banget ama the endearingly and hillarious Max, si anak kecil pecinta robot yang diperanin ama Dakota Goyo. Trus Hugh Jackman yang terkenal sama karakter Wolverine itu, lumayan sukses meranin Charlie Kenton, mantan petinju yang egois sampe bisa jual anaknya (si Max tadi) buat duit beli robot. Disini ceritanya Si Hugh Jackman ini pelatih robot petinju gitu, nah lanjut cerita dia jadi terpaksa ke arena tinju bersama anaknya yang udah lama berpisah. Tapi ternyata si anak punya bakat melihat potensi robot-robot petinju. Dan jadilah mereka berdua ngelatih robot petinju yang bernama Atom yang sering dikira rongsokan dan sebenernya hanya didesain untuk jadi robot pembantu latihan bukan robot petinju. Selain adegan robot yang keren dan berlaga tinju dengan gerakan mulus kayak manusia, menurut gue hubungan antar ayah-anak lebih jadi red lining film di ini. Oya, buat penggemar anime, mungkin nama Atom ngingetin sama Astro Boy, tapi karakternya slightly different sih. Yaiyalah. Lumayan banget deh buat nyaingin Transformer. Klo transformer selanjutnya masih kayak dark moon kemaren mah kelaut aje.

"Running Man" (Variety Show, airing in SBS Channel, South Korea)

Dan akhir-akhir ini gw kecanduan nonton Running Man!!! Hahaha.. Jangan liat label korea-nya. Walau gw ngaku gw emang sesekali melakukan ritual drama korea seperti kebanyakan remaja Indonesia yang kena korban badai kokoreaan. Tapi ini Running Man!! Nonton aje, gausah mikir. Running Man ini, sebentuk program variety show yang sangat menghibur gw ketika gw kena gegar otak akibat riset TA, atau emang pengen cari aktivitas lain selain nguping mbak kos di kamar sebelah. Running Man ini, satu-satunya video lain yang bikin anak cowok di kelas gw, ngerelain bandwith internetnya buat ngunduh kelanjutan episodenya selain keharusan ngunduh video-video AV yang mereka wajib tonton. Oke, gue gak ngerti kebenerannya, tapi yang jelas temen cowok gue juga banyak yang kecanduan. Pokoknya mah, bodor lah. Kalo kata orang surabaya, luuucuuu soroo. *ngaco, gw sebenernya lupa basa jawa nya apa. Variety show ini mungkin awalnya kebanyakan ditonton ama anak-anak KPop-ers gara-gara bintang tamu-ny banyak artis-artis KPop, tapi ternyata banyak orang juga pada suka. Karena emang formatnya acara keluarga juga si. Yang keren tempat syutingnya pindah-pindah. Di berbagai landmark keren di Korea. Emang katanya mah tujuan acaranya juga buat pariwisata. Bisa banget yak ini orang Korea. Tsk Tsk.. Mungkin kita juga harus bikin acara di rumah Ahmad Dhani dengan Anang-Ashanti sebagai MC, hayeeuuh.. --" Bahkan syutingnya ampe ke Thailand dan Cina. Niat pisanlah. Mungkin karena emang acaranya udah lumayan terkenal di Asia jadi banyak pemasukan kali y. Untuk memperjelas review absurd ini coba liat SINI untuk penjelasan yang lebih mutu. Yang jelas mah kalo lu lagi stres, ga usah bershowerlah, tapi nontonlah running man!! yeaahh --"

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Another Weekend!!

Wohoo!! Event 7:draw your day udah beres loh. Hasil dari semua pesertanya bisa diliat DISINI. Dan akhirnya tugas suci ini selesai juga, dengan hasil beberapa cercaan dari bembi akibat postINI dan beberapa teman jadi pada nengok ke blog ini kayak nengok ke kebon binatang *berasa femmes --" Btw, minggu kemaren sempet pulang ke bogor!! Yayy!! Tidak seperti kepulangan sebelum-sebelumnya, kepulangan yang ini agak spesial. Selain karena cuma sebentar banget (cuma dari sabtu ampe senin), dapet tiket uhukpesawat gratis, trus karena udah punya kamera wkkwkwk.. jadi bisa didokumentasiin.. jahahaha *kampung*

awannya kece

susah banget dipotonya ini biksu mini

jalan-jalan ke pabrik mainan di ciawi, buat riset --" tapi ucuu banget gak boong!! >.<

yah.. finally back

A very happy weekend indeed!! Nah, udah selesai maen2nya. Ayo riset-nya lanjutin lagi! --"

Minggu, 13 November 2011

[Day 7] "Weekend at Home!!"

Tau SNSD kan? Itu loh SNSD aka So Nyuh Si Dae aka Girl Generatian. Girlband kokoreaan yang suka pamer paha and udel tapi emang cantiknye naujibileh trus suka niru-niru cherrybellek.. *eh yg terakhir kebalik, cherrybellek yg niru situ* Ya itu deh girlband korea asli loh bukan abal-abal *apeu??

*click the image for larger view*

[Day 6] "Anak sama Bapak"

Jadi, hari Jumat, bapak saya dateng ke Surabaya dalam rangka dinas kantor sekaligus ngunjungin saya. Eh eh eh.. ternyata anaknya ini diajak pulang ke bogor tertjintah!! Jumat malam saya nginep di hotel dulu sama bapak. Baru sabtu pagi-pagi terbang balik ke Jakarta trus lanjut ke Bogor. Yayyy!!

PS: gara" jetlag *haiiaah surabaya-bogor via pesawat doang* gw jadi telat semua mau ngepos bwt event "seven:draw your day" ini.. Wkwkwk *alesan diterima yaa!!*

*click the image for larger view*

[Day 5] "di... claim??"

Keterangan :
*Bembi adalah nama alias dari Bambang. Dipanggil bembi biar gaul aja.
*Kenapa bembi merangkap sebagai satpam teddy bear museum? Postur Bembi layaknya seorang beruang. Maka ia sangat pantas jadi satpam museum teddy bear teddy bear itu beruang kan?). Bahkan tanpa kostum, udah ga ada bedanya sama beruang.. hahai
*Diklempakno atau dilemparno adalah bahasa jawa dari kata "dilemparin"

*click the image for larger view*

Kamis, 10 November 2011

[Day 4] "Eating Habit"

Heran, pas masa pertumbuhan aja, yang namanya ritual "makan" cuma kayak formalitas. Pas udah gede dimana pertumbuhan udah berhenti, kalo udah makan gak berenti-berenti. -____-"
*click the image for larger view

Rabu, 09 November 2011

[Day 3] "Perut Kenyang, Tidur Tenang"

Seenak-enaknya suasana buat tidur, klo perut belom kenyang, ga akan bisa tidur. :p
*click the image for larger view

Selasa, 08 November 2011

[Day 2] "Tawang Cirebonan"

Ini bukan tentang kehidupan sehari-hari siih.. Banyak drama kehujanan dan kebanjiran soalnya, fiuuh :3 Tapi tadi lagi kuliah desain Nusantara dan disuruh bikin motif-motifan gitulah. Trus saya gambar ini. Topeng cirebonan. Katanya topeng itu bahasa cirebon-nya tawang. CMIIW. Yah, lumayanlah daripada lumanyun. Semangat lebih tokcer buat besok!! Yosh!!!

Senin, 07 November 2011

[ Day 1 ] "Minum Kopi"

ini masih fresh loh, baru kejadian *ngipasin lidah*

Hairy day!!

ngarsir rambut itu asik ya?? seasik makan rambutan!! *apabae*
In case ada yang penasaran, gambar ini gw imitasi dari tampak belakangnya si Karina

Btw, gw mw ikutan ini loh!! SEVEN:Draw Your Day!!
Tau dari twitternya Ibu Tita Larasati. Ibu dosen keren master bambu yang bikin buku graphic diary!! ah kereenn!! Tauk deh bisa istiqomah apa gak, secara hectic banget nih ngurus riset! *pitnah pitnah* Dulu, pernah ada 30 days drawing challenge jga, gatau syp yg ngadain, tapi kayaknya pegel edun!! Buat pemanasan ikutan ini aja dululah yak. Ayo gambar!!! :D

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011


CINDO means "Cantik" in Bahasa Indonesia, or "Beautiful" in English. The word "CINDO" taken from bahasa Palembang. A City in Sumatra island which is produced textile origin of kain ikat Palembang or well known as kain Pelangi, which is as well inspired the pattern of Cindo BAG, the handmade ethnic backpack.

If you kindly follow this blog, you will know, that this product was coming from THIS.
This is handmade ethnic back. And you know why it's handmade?, because there is no other in the world like this one. You're the only owner for short. Anyone interested? Don't hesitate to contact me!! :)

old and new, past and present

Can you see which is old and new ones? which is past and present times?
The left side is my room since my first time moved. More spacious indeed. And the right side is my room recently, after been filled with stuffs. I do like my present room I rented in Surabaya. For now it almost 2 and half years!! Due my family matter, I barely have no room when I got home to Bogor. It just, I do like to create my own space.. Thus, the left oldies ones was captured by my previous analog stuff Nikon F90x. Really great camera. It actually my cousin's, he kindly let the clumsy me borrowed this rookie Nikon for school project few years ago. I have it for a while. But the printing fee was such a shiiiit!! So I return the rookie Nikon and buy the instant Olympus.. But I really miss the rookie Nikon. It really put the perfect colour that any sophisticated camera couldn't do, right?

kantong - kantong!!

Yang jahit-jahit iseng kemaren dijahit ke kantong ungu. Trus jadi kayak gini deh!!
Berhubung blom punya tas kamera, jadi kantong unyu ini dijadiin tempat kamera. Dalemnya dikasih lapisan spon biar si olympus bisa istirahat dengan empuk. ^^

Anyway, tgl 27 kemaren bokap ulang tahun, cuman beda 3 hari ama gw. Entah kenapa gw jadi beli majalah Tempo. Buat gw Tempo itu identik banget ama bokap. Gw ketularan seneng baca Tempo gara-gara bokap rutin beli Majalah Tempo. Buat gw, Ini majalah udah ngerangkum semua berita yang aktual selama 1 bulan-an itu. Keren banget dah, walaupun emang identik ama bacaan bapak-bapak. That's it. Selamat 1/2 abad ya, pak!! :)

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

needles, thread and camera

YUHUU!! Finally yah.. have been purchased the Olympus EPL 1!! Wohoooo!!
Si black olympus ini langsung dapet tugas pertama buat motoin tugas produk terbaru gue di kuliah desain nusantara!! Tapi buat liat foto-foto produknya, tunggu posting berikutnya yahh.. (like anyone care aja, Hehe) Pokoknya super excited, karena sangat praktis dan mudah dipakai, hasilnya gak kalah ama si bulky-bulky dslr itu. hehe.. Ini penampakannya..

Narsis dikit :p

BTW, lagi suka jahit-menjahit nih. Pengen belajar jahit pake mesin jahit, tapi lagi tergiur les knitting di mall sebelah yang lumayan terjangkau. Tapi apa daya riset tugas akhir menghadang, rasa kebelet lulus menerjang dan keinginan berhedon-ria menghimpit *eh

Segini murah gak sih??

Penampakan hasil maen-maen benang di sisa kain celup kemaren buat aplikasi di kantong kamera. Kantongnya masih di pak penjahit, jadi tunggu postingan berikutnya yaa!! :)

"BE super excited, BUT don't expect" :)

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Tribute to "Issey Miyake"

I love the simplicity and modernity of his collection.

And I don't know if this doodling stuff will sullied his collection :p

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

What it means to you?

Well firstly, let me tell you that it's not a writting with religious view. It's not that I'm a religioustalk-anti-person. I wear hijab afterall. It's just I want to talk that I think have to be concerned. It's about hijab.

Back then, first time I wear these 'commitment', it was in Senior High School, in the end of second year. That year 2006 hijab is already a common look. (You can say it is, compared to those 80's and 70's era, right?) My school actually give the very strong influence for my decision. I can call it as the most religious state High school in my town. Yes, my school is not an islamic shool, but the atmosphere, the rules, and people in it, fully giving support of this positive habit. Back to those time is the time that I really learn about Islam that much. And voila!!! Me, known as ignorant, careless, messy-short-hair and this childish-never-grown-up girl wore those holy veil. My biggest motive is the friend's word of mine. She said that whoever 'balig' girl has to wear hijab. Otherwise every sheet of her hair seen by 'non-muhrim' is a SIN. This friend is not those silent girl with strong religious view and wear those long and baggy hijabs. But, she wears hijab and she's also big fan of FI racing car, like smart humour so much (which is why she's so smart and funny in debating class) and wore those rookie converse. This straight-forward friend told me when I'm a brand new high-school girl. And her words is like humming in my brain for like along the year. And I think. Oh my God! How many pray moment I miss? How many time I lies? And how many time I hurt my Mom?? All of those little, unimportant things are SINNED!! I tell you, I was that type of person who always make a very loooong think before decided something. And I like to wait in a very perfect moment for a very perfect decision. But those often make me decided nothing in the end. And this time I can't wait any longer!! I still wait for a good time though. My transformation began in the first day in second semester of my second year. My bf, Anggi, surprisedly do the same. Hehe.. My thought that time, At least my hair is no longer a burden for me. Those what I was thinking behind my decision. It's just that silly thought.

I learn more about hijab after wear it. My mom who also wear it (she wear it since college in those very 'hectic' era, where hijab isn't as free as now or moreover getting trend) told me this superb advice, that you can be yourself while wearing hijab, improve yourself to be better along your journey, where mistake is as natural as before since you just try to be better after, but "Once you wear it, You won't never ever took those hijab off!!". As time goes, me who honestly a very stubborn person, accept some of my friend's critiques and advices about my careless lifestyle. How I can be a better person. For the sake of this cloth wrapped around my head. I learn that though I seem always see the world in easy way. I just can't be easy with this one. I learn that the holy cloth isn't just a commitment. It become an important need for a girl and it become a real identity.

Well, I admit I still run in the frontyard without hijab (and run back when boys appear), sometimes miss my pray, and in-coincidentally hurt people with my careless words. But I promise everytime to be better everyday. It just "nobody is perfect" is true words, right?

Thus, I can't understand about weird symptom in this hijab era lately. In my country, Indonesia. Hijab now getting a trend. Everyone wearing hijab. Even it get a really special place in fashion runaway. My friend who seems unlikely wore hijab, or even getting seen to take a pray, even sound her voice to wear hijab. And more celebrity wore hijab in ramadhan month. Well, that's acceptable enough. Even, it's one of good point of this trend. But, the most freaked me out are those who wore hijab but seems not taking it as a real matter. Come on!! It's a cloth with your religion embossed there. I don't mean everyone with hijab is an holy angel. We are human. And we're just clarified our real identity trough this cloth. It's how we are, and how we want to be performed. Don't take it lightly, guys, but do warn us, if we make mistake or slipped away.

The 'those people' which I mean Those who committed wearing hijab in their daily life, but still spreading their so-called-cute photos with long hair or even minimum clothed on. Do you want hijab as your identity or it just your statement-style, huh? Those who seen with hijab, but still walk out meet her boyfriend with short and loose tee. Errggh.. You know you're not halal for him until the bond get official , right? And so many more..

Okay maybe, it's actually subjective and selfish opinion. I never take off my hijab in front of boyfriend is bcoz I don't have one. And I never get my photo showed off is bcoz I'm not as confident or as pretty as you. I'm not that perfect on my side too. Like I said, I still miss pray, still play roughly, bla bla bla.. It just if the so-unlikely-rough-untidy girl like me treasured this simply cloth, and take care of it hardly as careful as I can, why you just easily take it off in anytime you want. It just, what that hijab means to you, girl?

PS: Sorry for the poor English!! No offense, girls. Do warn each other, okay?? :)

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

camera camera camera!!

Sony NEX-C3

Olympus EP1

Panasonic Lumix seri GF1

ga sekedar pengen, tapi butuh. Banget!!!
Pilihan gue jatuh pada kamera-kamera dengan interchangeable lens ini. Karena gue pengen yang praktis aja tapi kemampuannya kayak DSLR. Mennn.. udah gak jaman kali kamera gede yang ribet-ribet gitu. *ditabokfotografer* Tapi berhubung gue lagi tidak memfokuskan diri dengan dunia perfotografian, jadi bolehlah gw pilih kamera-kamera cantik yg gak kalah ama DSLR ini.. Hoho.. Tapi masih bingung ini beli yang mane yah?? --" *gaptek* *emangdasar*

Additional : Now, I've been thinking and researching more, and I think the olympus thing is the best choice. Hehe.. The problem now, this thing need money and how can I afford this??
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