Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Back to Tumblr!!


So.. I talk about tumblr in blog. Hahah.. And as you can see, recently I mostly tumblr-ing around rather than blogging. I've own the tumblr account from a year or two, but just recently happened to be active in tumblr again. What I do in tumblr mostly just blabbering.. And mostly about errr.. Big Bang. Yeah, my current escapee, right. With all this dizziness and idea-block for my (I hope) final semester, I just need daily dose of instant happiness!! And tumblr is just the perfect place for err.. fangirling (you may say). Urrgghh I can't believe I speak about this hahah.. Seriously the fansite in tumblr are soo unbelievably and quickly updated, you know! I imagine those fangirls in tumblr just have no life. Or maybe because tumblr just so practical for quick update. I mostly tumblr-ing from my smartphone too. And also more reason why I don't blog much lately, bcoz I feel the urge to present more decent post in my blog. Which is much more difficult to do from your phone. And I just have no idea for any decent post while I pretty much have difficulty in my final project too soo.. I'll be in hiatus (again). And Just wish me luck --"

So you may see the more honest (or lame) side from me (like you care) in my tumblr page, not just about Big Bang coz I pretty much talking (and reblogging) nonsenses and miscellaneous things too haha... And whether you want to follow me or not. I've warn you what's my tumblr mostly about. So Just LIKE IT or LEAVE IT!! :) Bye! 

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Eat Your Kimchi : For your koreanesque supply!


For you who didn't notice, nowadays I got a little bit K-POPismize, yeah?? (does it even a word?) If you are like me, if you are into kpop lately. I'm considered as newbie I think. You maybe feel a little annoyed, when you're being mocked by people who wasn't familiar about it. If you show them some of your korean stuff, they start judging and they will ask you, how could you like this stuff? And you (it maybe just me) couldn't even explain your reason clearly. Blame my lack of skill for public speaking --"

I do know really well about my taste and the reason. But, I tend to search for more information and other perspective to prove my opinion. And I tell you, fan website wasn't good choice at all. Well, I know fandom culture now was very bizzare right? When you got into a fan forum to get more review and stuff, all you can get is fanwar, then unreasonable and unending idolizing for current idol icon and stuff. This was the disgusting part of Kpop fandom culture. Because however awesome kpop artist are, they're just a common human right? I do adore some artists because of the talents and you can tell it was serious business just look at the effort they made. Moreover kpop was so fun to watch. That's it. So if you look for something more rational maybe you can find some international reviews and news, but it's just boring right? Nah.. for more fun option then you can check  the *drumroll* >> Eat Your Kimchi youtube channel

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Hijab Scene

Ok, since I've been away for a while. I think I will post my unposted project heheh.. And so.. my cousin was married a month ago, previously my lovely auntie asked me to design the obligatory costume for me and my other little cousin. So these're some sketches..


Pernah gak ketika kalian harus mengerjakan suatu kewajiban, dikejar deadline terus ngerasa panik. Saking paniknya bingung harus ngerjain yang mana dulu. Sampai akhirnya berakhir dengan mengerjakan hal yang lain yang sama sekali gak membantu finishing the deadline.. Ga ada ya? Bagus deh, kayaknya saya aja yang kayak gini. Btw, I was doing this few weeks ago in that situation..

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

currently favorite watch "CrayOn" by G-Dragon

[mumpung masih high for Big Bang]
If you into something quirky, colourful and fun, then you must watch this!! You'll know why when you see the MV. And I love to watch the live performance!! It really felt like festival ambience, and GD going all crazy. It feels so much fun! Both captivating and refreshing. I love how every live show GD always stay high! GD and Teddy as the producer of this song (Yes, GD controls and produces his own music) really make great tittle track. Oh and I really love the fact that the rest of track in his newest album "One of A Kind" have totally different feeling and genre for each track. Smart! I really recommend the semi-ballad song tittled "In the End" for mellow feeling hehe.. Still saving though for purchasing the album, last concert really make me broke T.T.. Well, this 2 video below contain the live show I've got to seen and I continue to wait another performances :D

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

B - I - G to the Bang!!! [Bigbang Alive Tour in Jakarta]

Beware!! It will be unbelievably long post! So, if you’re not interested just skip it! Only for Big Bang audiences!

credit : BIGBANG official facebook (It's the "Haru-Haru" performance by the way)

Hi everyone!! Beberapa bulan lalu gw pernah ngepost I have a bit crush for Big Bang HERE, k-pop group (I can’t say boyband, they definitely more than a boyband!!) consist of five. Well, it’s not that bit actually.. After that moment I dig deeper about them and soon become fans hahah.. Di post lalu itu juga gw pernah bilang, gw suka liat girl group macam SNSD karena lucu aja liatnya.. cakep bikin betah yagitudeh.. . Then, I found Big Bang!! Awalnya dari video cover jadulnya IU, penyanyi imut yang cantik dan merdu suaranya.. Dia cover lagu Lies by Big Bang in guitar accoustic DISINI pas dia awal debut.. Trus gw liatin ke temen, dan liat music video Lies aslinya.. Lumayan juga.. Tapi jadul abis gitu hahah.. si G-Dragon (leader BigBang) masi agak culun, gigi kagak rata, gaya member lainnya juga bikin ngakak!! Tapi lagunya enak, ada techno musiknya dikit dan gw heran kok gw bisa suka juga.. Eh tak lama Big Bang comeback pake lagu “Blue” ituh.. Temen gw (akan gw beberkan identitasnya nanti :p) jadi suka banget pas liat music video yang ini.. Dan dia jadi getol nyari musik Big Bang lainnya. Trus gw jadi ikutan dan kesirep juga ama ni group kece ampe jadi lebih niat gitu dari temen gw ngikutin berita2nya.. Yasudah deh, awalnya I felt like, okay, this is my one and only deal with k-pop and I can't deny I felt the guilty pleasure.. But when I dig deeper, I know this group making serious musicThey reach many genre music, dari yang jep ajep, techno, pop, hip hop, r&b, ampe ballad. Gw ampe suka ngerapnya GD&TOP loh, gilak! Later on, I found out artisnya YG emang serius sih ama musik2 mereka (kayak 2NE1, PSY, tablo!!). Okelah sekarang gw jadi subjektif gini ke artis YG (ditabok fans kpop!! ). Kayaknya agak salah kalo gw bilang cuma artis YG yang serius ama musik mereka, soalnya artis dari label lain kayak JYP or SMent, dll juga gak main2 kali latihannya, tau sendiri kan sejarah mereka training bisa dari masih kecil banget dari SD ampe udah gede, mungkin lebih tepat kali kalo dibilang musik2 YG especially BigBang, fit my taste the best, soalnya mereka lebih berkiblat ke musik barat (CMIIW) dan siapa sangka Korean hip hop can be this good, right? And menurut gw they’re so much better and different (kali ini  beneran dikeroyok *kaburI love them for their passion in music scene. Yet they are good looking, cool performers, got unique-distinctive daily fashion and the best part, they compose their own music with style!  Full package!!

Anyway, after short exploration with the music and long hiatus dari blogging dengan alasan “galau-TA-yang-dipikirin-doang-gak-dikerjain” gw akhirnya kembali ALIVE karna udah nonton BIGBANG ALIVE WORLD TOUR 13 OKTOBER kemaren!! YAHAHHAHA!!

Senin, 02 Juli 2012


Hola holiday!! Hehe.. Tiap akhir semester udah pasti banget gw bakal menghilang gara2 ngebut tugas. Hehe.. Dan sekarang sekali lagi gw (akan) menjadi mahasiswa semester akhir beneran. Alhamdulillah, moga2 gak molor lagi ya Allah.. Amin..  And now, gw balik mau ngomongin isu yang lagi-lagi mahasiswa banget dan tabu sakalii!! Oh yeah bener!! I-P-K!! IPEKA!!! Sesuatu yang bakalan jadi spoiler liburan anda!! Haha.. Peduli gak peduli, di Indonesia tercinta ini, nyang namanya nilai buat anak sekolahan atawa IPK buat mahasiswa ya penting sik (kalo gak mau dibilang utama).. secara kesuksesan lo belajar ironically kayaknya cuma bisa diukur ama angka seperti ini.. fiuh.. Gw ga munak si, alasan gw molor satu semester juga salah satunya buat nyelametin "the IPK" ini.. Okelah penting.. tapi beneran deh IT'S NOT EVERYTHING!!

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

dream room

what  will your dream-room look like? Mine is pretty much like this one :D


come from Nickleodeon, "Hey Arnold!" Arnold surely have the coolest cartoon room ever!! Swag!!

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Happy Birthday, Almas!!


Happy Birthday adek gue yang jutek, tengil, tapi ngangenin, Almas Raudina!! :p moga2 dapet sma-nya!! xoxo

Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Less and More

Found this in 9gag. I think it's totally TRUE!! But then, you'll lack of happiness and have to deal wih more loneliness, right? In the end, you may have a lot of acquintances, but real friends just really hard to find. Well, real friends also sometimes accidentally give you bullshits, but they never give you bullshit for nothing.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Missing Beach

Edann!! kangen pantai!! uwaahh!! Terakhir ke pantai, pas ke Bali kalo ga salah, 1 tahun-an yang lalu ama bokap plus adek gw. 1 tahun! Bayangkan?? Padahal jaman bocah dulu pasti maen ke pantai pas libur caturwulan! (lebeehh) Buat pengobat rindu, ini nih poto 1 tahun lalu, hehe.. basi, basi deh..


Yang pertama, pantai kuta, wajib kunjung gara2 deket hotel aja lah.. Ini yang ngambil adek gw kyaknya makanya miring.. --" Trus sampingnya Sanur *masih banyak anjing, tapi mendinganlah daripada kuta. Trus baris ke2, Dreamland (pas masi sepi)!! Keren yah? Di kanannya baru dah pantai Padang-Padang. Asik pisan buat santai, walopun lebih kecil dari Dreamland. Tapi karena ada di semacam teluk, jadinya ombaknya ga gede.. Cocok buat orang yang pengen santai bin selow (kayak gw :)). Dulu mah masih lumayan sepi, malah lebih banyak bulenya.. Tapi katanya sekarang dah mayan rame.. Hmm..

Oya, dibawah ini pantai tempat maen masa kecil. Pantai Pasir Panjang, beberapa jam nyetir mobil dari kota Pontianak. Asoyy.. Pantainya berkilo-kilo makanya namanya Pasir Panjang nan putih dan halus, diujungnya ada batu karang gede-gede banyak kepiting ama kerangnya gitu trus bisa nyebrang ke pulau kecil di sebrang pake kapal feri. Kereenn.. asal sekarang ga jadi rusak aja sih..


Dan saat ini ngidam pengen kesini!! Karimun Jawa!! Tiap pulang via darat pasti lewat semarang, deket ama jepara, tapi gak pernah ,mampir!! Hiks T.T

duh cakepnya karimun jawa.. [source]

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

[comic] "L'Arc EFFECT!!"

komik terakhir buat mengenang 2 mei #larukuJKT.. telat banget emang, tapi efeknya gak bakal pernah telat.. hahah..

comic larc2

PS: Jangan ditiru yahh :p

[comic] "S*JUNISM"

comic larc1

PS : no offense for s*ju fans. Tapi ini kejadian bener2 bikin gw speechless :p

"Tiket Konser"

Gw tau ini udah telat banget. Kejadiannya udah hampir 1 bulan yang lalu. Tapi karena udah terlanjur dibikin gw post aja. Hehe..

Btw, kejadiannya bermula dari obolan bokap [B] dan gw [W] beberapa hari sebelum gw nonton konser bersejarah ini. Hahaha..

B : eh kamu kalo mau nonton konser ajakin si Almas (adek gw) juga tuh, biar represhing abis UAS..
W : tapi kan konsernya tinggal 3 hari lagi..
B :  terus kenapa?
W : ya tiketnya gimana??
B : ya tinggal beli aja kan??
W : errr..

Jadi mungkin dalam benak bokap gw, beli tiket tu gak perlu mantengin rajakar**s.com dari berbulan-bulan sebelumnya, mencet f5 ampe keyboard rontok, dengan darah dan airmata (lebeh)
comic larc1 
kayak gini gitu yah?? --"

Eh tapi ternyata pemikiran bokap terbukti deh, pas di venue masi ada yang jual tiket walau cuma yang kelas reguler aja si hehe.. Jadi yang dudul siapa dong?? hmm..

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

L'arc~en~Ciel World Tour 2012 [Jakarta Concert]

Attention : It maybe a little bit biased. And I don't accept bad words for this one.

L'arc opening
credit : natalie 

At least for maybe several month.. (or years ?) ahead, so I wrote this to carve the incredible moments into my lame brain

The L'concert has been 5 days ago. I will say, that I still felt the excitement, the euphoria, but I'm sober now.. Maybe, if I wrote this right away after the concert, I'd just carelessly use capital alphabet for entire post, spreading screaming emoticon everywhere.. Haha.. Yes!! They're THAT awesome!!

I've known this awesome band since junior high school, back then I was a huge fan of the Battosai in anime Samurai X. and thus the "4th Avenue Cafe" which is came as the soundtrack, was my very first glimpse of love for L'arc. I still a kid back then. I didn't even know mp3 yet. I also never counted myself as a truly diehard fans and dilligently followed their every album. But I always knew since then, if I ever come to a concert, I definitely will come for L'arc~en~Ciel!! And thank God, this childhood dreams, the feeling that I just come to like the fiction-untouchable-figure, has really come true. They even sang that memorable 4th Avenue Cafe!! *cry

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012



My bestfriend Nisa will be 22 this 2nd may!! hahah.. Si Nisa ini ntah mengapa selalu ngikutin saya semenjak saya pindah sd kelas 5 di pinggiran bogor, trus smp, sma ampe kuliah pun satu kampus, walau beda jurusan sih.. But, she is indeed the real friend..  *haiihh.. Buat ulang tahun kali ini saya tumben2nya ada acara penting (*coming soon :p) yang ngabisin duit jadi gapunya duit buat kado-kadoan, yang nyuruh saya balik ke rumah juga jadi gabisa nagih traktiran.. hahah.. Btw, saya juga gak ngerti sih, anak ini sebenernya seneng dikasih kado apa si? boneka? biasa, buku? kagak dibaca, cd musik? lu lagi demen suju bukan si? Ternyata saya tak tahu apa-apa tentang dirinya!! Hahah.. Jadi saya kasih ucapan setulus hati dan serandom gambar diatas aja deh.. Happy birthday, cepet lulus, cepet kerja, cepet kawin, cepet ilang galaunya!! haha..

Setulus hati, seputih bakpao, happy birthday yao!! ^^

Rabu, 25 April 2012

instagram hysteria!!

Got instagram on my android!! Excited, but I don't feel the app was awesome for real. However, still join it since many people in it, and they posted fab and inspiring pics.. haha.. anyhow follow me!! "sabilamalina" Cheers!! :D

Senin, 16 April 2012

"Partikel" by Dee

*shines literally :p*

It's been long time since such a book makes me this excited. Hehe...
Dengan berat hati, gw gabisa bikin review, dan sejenisnya.. Soalnya masih kebius dalam Partikel dan belum sadar-sadar lagi. :p Kalo bisa si, gausah liat review deh, langusng baca aja dan rasakan sendiri kamu terhipnotis! Yang jelas, seneng banget ada si Elektra (karakter di Supernova:Petir) yang muncul di akhir novel ini. Favorit! Hehe.. Isi partikel bener-bener penuh, ga heran gw ni buku baru lahir 8 tahun setelah serial ke-3nya. Ajib bener risetnya. Dari Bogor, Kalimantan ampe London. Dari fotografi, biologi, agama ampe alien.. Ckck.. Partikel bikin kenyang banget, tapi ga bikin enek, cuman bikin nagih!! Nagih serial ke-5 nya "Gelombang" sekalian ama serial penutupnya "Inteligensi Embun Pagi" dong, tante Dee!! :D

Untuk ini gw ucapin terima kasih sama dosen riset gw, yang ngundur kuliah, jadi gw bisa ngabur ke Gramed! :p

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

cellphone charm

It's been long time since you get a cellphone charm, right? It maybe little bit unpractical, but I always love put ringing and pretty things in my phone back then. :) So, I make my own phone charm!!
phone charm

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

[Trailer] Dr. Seuss - The Lorax

Have you seen this?? I bet Illumination Entertainment definitely will be the future opponent of Pixar. I love Despicable Me! And now they bring Dr. Seuss along! Can't wait!! :)

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Bits of Blue

Anyone got korean wave shocks?? I do lately, haha.. Ampun deh.. awalnya yang gue suka itu paling SNSD soalnya gak kuat banget gitu liat mbak-mbak cantik, kaki jenjang ini. Lagunya pun catchy-catchy. Trus dikenalin ama boybandnya yang semacam Super Junior, 2pm, bla bla bla. And I just like.. oohh gini ya.. Baru-baru ini ada grup laris pemain lama, Bigbang, yang udah lama vakum (katanya) and ngeluarin album baru dengan single "Blue". And.. it's really good actually. Maybe I'll be get a little bit korean fever for this bigbang boys for a while.. :p

Nah yang dibawah ini, versinya Sungha Jung, an accoustic finger-style guitarist, my fave youtube artist, dari korea juga (duh) And he is all great. He only 16 years old now, and being youtube artist since 11 years old. He often covered many famous song, and recently he makes his own album, and even tour concert. He really got skill. Lucunya, pas awal-awal dia masuk youtube ada caption dibawah videonya. And he said "I used to not have tabs for the music that I played in my videos. I just listen and pick them up directly from the sound source in videos available on the internet" Wuih jenius! For more Sungha Jung [CLICK HERE] and his youtube channel [CLICK HERE] really worthed listen.

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Minty Bracelet

Recently got a commision (?) gift from my lovely friend, Desita. I prefer the necklace though. But it nice too, isn't it? Take a look for more of my friend's cute creation in her Minty Shop [CLICK!]. Grab it fast, they are very limited ones. :)

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Latest Scene

[Just in case]

kitkat   eco can

Comeback Post!!

Deeply Sorry for the long hiatus!! [like anybody care? anybody? 0: ]Hehe.. Will post again soon!!

[PS: I'm so into clown lately. They're not scary you know!]

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Learning Batik

Saya bukan desainer grafis, tapi disuruh bikin ginian. Anyway, kritik positif yang membangun is very welcome loh.. See you when I see you!!
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